Explore Diverse Investment Opportunities

Welcome to Osan Grows, where investment meets innovation. Discover our diverse range of franchise investment opportunities and become a shareholder in our journey of growth and success. Here, you'll explore the world of shares and their purchase, offering distinct advantages. If you're seeking a partnership that delivers growth and profitability, your journey begins here.

Why Invest with OSAN Grows





10% - 24%

Profit Range

10% - 24%

Guaranteed Return

At Osan Grows, we are not just an investment platform; we are your partner in success. Here's why choosing to invest with us is a strategic move:

Potential for Wealth Growth


Invest for the potential of exponential money growth and secure your financial future with dynamic investment opportunities.

Expert Guidance


Our industry experts and advisors will provide you with the necessary support and insights to make investment decisions.

Diverse Portfolio


With options in diversified service portfolios of Osan, you can transform your investment portfolio for maximum returns.

Growth Potential


Our business models are built for growth. By investing with us, you can tap into promising markets and benefit from our network.

Dynamic Investment Options at OSAN Grows

Discover a range of investment opportunities with Osan Grows, featuring three unique models:
Share model, Franchise model, and AIF model, custom-designed to meet diverse investor preferences and goals. Select the model that best matches your investment budget and objectives.

Shares Model: Join Our Share Offering

Unlock the potential of investing in Osan Grows shares, where growth meets opportunity. Join our journey to prosperity today.

Attractive Share Price:
Osan Grows invites you to be a part of our success story by offering shares at a favorable price of ₹ 10 each.

  • Initial Offer Bonus: As an exclusive initial offer, seize the opportunity to acquire shares at just ₹ 2 each during the Pre-IPO phase (Unlisted) Shares.

  • Path to Prosperity: This is your chance to become a valued shareholder, contributing to our collective journey towards prosperity.


Share Handling:

  • Certificate for Non-Demat Accounts: Customers without a demat account will receive a share certificate.

  • Demat Account Convenience: For those with a demat account, shares will be seamlessly credited directly to their demat account, ensuring ease of management.

Bonus Benefits:

  • Regular Bonuses: For buyers of ₹ 10 shares, enjoy a bonus of 12% of the amount invested every six months.

  • Higher Returns Guarantee: For buyers of ₹ 2 shares, higher returns are assured after IPO listing.

Pre-IPO(Unlisted Shares)

Pre-IPO stocks represent shares of companies yet to go public. As a Pre-IPO investor, you become a significant shareholder, contributing to Osan Grow's growth. There's potential for substantial profit upon the company's public offering.

Pre-IPO (Unlisted Shares) were accessible mainly to banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms. Now, with shares being dematerialized, anyone with a bank account and a demat account can invest. Osan Grows facilitates these investments, providing details on share prices and fees.

Investing Process:

  • Interested investors can visit Osan Grows Portal and participate in purchasing Pre-IPO (unlisted) shares

  • Once Osan Grows receives the funds, it transfers them to the company’s account

  • Shares are credited to the investor's account by completing the transaction

Share Distribution:

  • Osan grows is selling a total of 90 Crores shares
  • 40 Crores shares are prices at 2 per share, worth of 80 Crores fund
  • 50 Crores shares are prices at 10 per share, worth of 500 Crores fund



Fund Size

INR 580 Cr


Appreciation Investment:

  • Discounted Price - Shares at ₹ 2 each:

  • The actual value of each share is ₹ 10

  • Purchase these shares at a discounted price of ₹ 2 per share

  • Minimum investment required: ₹1 Lakh

  • Locking period: 7 years

  • Higher Returns Guarantee: For buyers of ₹ 2 shares, higher returns are assured after IPO listing

  • Guaranteed Income - Shares at ₹ 10 each:

  • Priced at the actual value of ₹ 10 per share

  • Minimum investment required: ₹1 Lakh

  • Locking period: 7 years

  • Regular Bonuses: For buyers of ₹ 10 shares, enjoy a bonus of 12% of the amount invested every six months

Franchise Investment Model: A Smart Business Choice

Osan franchise investment model offers you a unique opportunity for financial growth and prosperity.


Why Should I Invest in OSAN Grows?


AIF Investment Model: Unlocking Percipient Investors Growth

Dive into exclusive investment opportunities with our Alternate Investment Fund. Discover tailored strategies for high-net-worth individuals and institutions.

About Fund

Fund Size



9 Years

Assurance Return

10% per annum


An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is when a company decides to sell its shares to the public for the first time and gets listed on a stock exchange. This process allows the company to raise capital and become publicly traded.

An IPO signifies the sale of securities to the public in the primary market, serving as a major source of long-term funds for Osan Grows. It stands as a pivotal step in Osan Grow's growth, granting access to capital from the public capital market.


Benefits of Public Listing:

Listing or going public provides companies with a formal platform to trade their securities, facilitating growth, capital raising, enhanced reputation, liquidity for investors, and improved compliance and monitoring.

  • Access to Capital: Going public helps companies raise money for growth and expansion by selling shares to investors.

  • Visibility: Being listed on a stock exchange increases a company's visibility and credibility among investors and institutions.

  • Liquidity: Public listing allows shareholders to buy and sell shares easily, providing liquidity and flexibility.

  • Employee Morale: Going public can boost employee morale and attract top talent through stock-based incentives like Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs).

  • Transparency and Efficiency: Listed companies are required to be transparent and accountable to shareholders, which improves overall operations and efficiency.

Key Features:

Access to Growing Funds


Debt-Free Transition

Increase in Net Worth


Valuation Unlock

Financial Flexibility


Wealth Generation

Amplified Visibility & Credibility


Elevated Brand Value

Shares as a Currency


Shares as Collateral Security



100 - 120 cr

Fund Size

1000 - 1200 cr

How to Get Started

Ready to explore the next steps? Contact us today to request more information, ask questions, or initiate the application process. We can't wait to embark on this exciting journey with you!

01. Register on Osan Grows Portal

Begin your investment journey by registering on the Osan Grows portal. Sign up and create your account to access our investment opportunities.

Fill out the investment form with your details, indicating your investment preferences and the amount you intend to invest (Min. ₹1 Lakh).

Our administration team will carefully review your investment request and validate the capital amount you've specified.

Upon successful validation, the admin will approve your investment request and allocate the corresponding shares, setting you on the path to start investing with Osan Grows.

Become a Franchise Partner Now!

Submit your interest here.

Have a question, suggestion, or need assistance?
Please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.


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